COSMO Site and Design Advancement (COSADA) ESA Project 4: CCN – LIME PACE: Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and Ocean Ecosystem Study on Extreme Aerosol Events of desert and volcanic origin in the tropical & subtropical North Atlantic ESA Project 3: Improving the Lunar Irradiance Model of ESA (LIME) Passive measurements of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) carried out with the CE376 lidar High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellites for Telecommunication and Complementary Space Applications (TELEO) AOD and water vapour from PANDORA photometer NEON 340 nm Enhanced characterization of regional transported aerosols using a CIMEL CE376 elastic micro-LiDAR that provides depolarization at 532 and 808 nm Assessing the impact of aerosols in the optical telecommunication links availability using sun and lunar photometry at 1064 and 1550 nm (ANAtOLIA) Potential use of low-cost hand-held sunphotometers for operational activities (Calitoo) Installation of the new COSQM 2 version