High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellites for Telecommunication and Complementary Space Applications (TELEO)

Principal Investigator: Sylvain Poulenard

Institution name: Airbus Defence & Space

Scientific Objetives

TELEO – TL9. Part1

Assessing the impact of aerosols in the optical telecommunication links availability using sun and lunar photometry at 1550 nm.

Under the framework of TELEO, the CIMEL photometer model CE318-TL9, will provide Total Optical Depth (TOD), and Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at the following bands, 1562,64 ± 0.1nm; 1561,01 ± 0,1nm; 1550,12 ± 0,1nm ;1548,51 ± 0,1nm; 1546.92 ± 0,1nm, within 3-minute time period.

The Calibration and assessment of the measurements provided by this instrument will be carried out at Izaña’s facilities.

TELEO – Lidar. Part2

Assessing the use of micro-LiDARs to determine Cloud Optical Depth. using the CIMEL model CE-376.

This work will use the CIMEL CE-376 micro-pulse LiDAR located at Izaña’s facilities to develop, implement and assess the precision of the retrievals for Cloud Optical Depth measurements using these Lidar types.