Testbed Proposal Form

Proposal form for WMO-Measurement Lead Centre for Aerosols and Water Vapour Remote Sensing Instruments (Izaña, Spain) Access.

    1. Principal Investigator

    The Principal Investigator (PI) is the person responsible for the project who acts as contact of the proposal for the research team (user group). The Principal Investigator is expected to participate as a user.

    2. Project

    Please limit the text to the recommended length. If required, you may add supplementary information either in the section "Comments".

    Scientific objectives: Give a concise and clear outline of the objectives that you want to achieve and the specific aims of the project by making reference to its scientific relevance. Identify the gaps the project is intended to fill, state your motivation and importance of your planned research and your reasons for choosing the specific infrastructure.

    Work plan: Provide a succinct and accurate description of your plan for achieving the goals in the given time frame, the methods employed, the experimental set-up foreseen, any additional information about planned time table and your justification of training benefit and mobility. The work plan should include sufficient information needed for evaluation of the project.

    Please include a list of instruments you plan to bring to the site. Expand table if necessary with "Add Row" button.

    3. Participants' information

    All participants needed to carry out the project and accessing the infrastructure should be listed here. Expand table if necessary with "Add Row" button.


    Comments are optional. You many include any additional information you consider pertinent for the evaluation of the proposal.